1.9.0 release improvement to collective.recipe.plonesite

October 14, 2014
Table of Contents

plone.pngThe 1.9.0 release of collective.recipe.plonesite is now available on PyPi. This release brings several new features and some improvements to the documentation.

The biggest new feature is the integration with collective.upgrade. This allows for the plonesite recipe to automatically upgrade the Plone portal and run any upgrade steps for installed packages in the site. Credit goes to Ross Patterson for adding this feature.

A couple more features were also added to the latest release. Fabio Rauber contributed a feature that provides the ability to have the plonesite recipe automatically add mount points. See the documentation for an example of how this works. The last new feature is the ability to run the plonesite part using sudo. This allows the plonesite part to be run when the Zope instance and ZEO server are run under different UIDs. Toni Mueller provided this new option.

Lastly, the documentation was cleaned up in the source and for the end user. The documentation on PyPi is now grouped by option type so that it is easier to find what you are looking for. The docs were also cleaned up in source control so that it is easier to contribute.

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