See what's new in Plone 5 theming, how to future-proof your Plone theme, and how to make a Diazo theme.
Updating your Plone theme to Diazo will allow it to be used beyond Plone 5...
Updates to SixieSkel allow for quick and easy buildout creation.
Out of the latest Expedite Day comes a system for awarding badges...
Many fundamental theming methods must be mastered for creating themes that maintain full control over the display of Plone elements and content...
We have several technologies in place that enable any of us to easily work remotely...
Some products have recently been developed to make the Plone theming process easier. I took a little bit of time this FedEx day to look into Deliverance, Diazo, and Plone Themeeditor...
Some suggestions to help your Plone theme follow best practices
After working with websites professionally, I felt confident that I could do the job. A few days later I started at Six Feet Up, which threw me into the deep end of Plone. I was replacing Six Feet Up's Template Developer, and I was able to work with him for only two days before he left...