Best Practices

How to Set Up Python on Your New MacHow to Set Up Python on Your New Mac
February 1, 2022

How to Set Up Python on Your New Mac

Learn the steps needed to install Python and start working with virtualenv projects on your new Mac.

Secrets of Building Python Container Images for AWS LambdaSecrets of Building Python Container Images for AWS Lambda
August 12, 2021

Secrets of Building Python Container Images for AWS Lambda

Today, developers can use container images for AWS Lambda code — a helpful way to run much more complex code in a familiar package. However, there are some non-obvious differences that can make building Python app images for AWS Lambda frustrating.

The Zen of Python: Bootstrapping Your Local Python EnvironmentThe Zen of Python: Bootstrapping Your Local Python Environment
July 22, 2021

The Zen of Python: Bootstrapping Your Local Python Environment

Established, senior developers might be able to install Python easily, but are they following the Zen of Python when it comes to best practices for environment settings and versioning? In his talk, “Bootstrapping your Local Python Environment,” Calvin discusses how to optimize system setups.

Improve and Automate Plone Caching with collective.cloudfrontImprove and Automate Plone Caching with collective.cloudfront
June 24, 2021

Improve and Automate Plone Caching with collective.cloudfront

collective.cloudfront is a Plone add-on designed to watch for Purge notifications from and send the corresponding invalidation requests to an instance of Amazon’s CloudFront.

An Official Cloud Migration CookbookAn Official Cloud Migration Cookbook
May 21, 2021

An Official Cloud Migration Cookbook

Whether you are responsible for a single application, a large environment or somewhere in between, it’s likely you’ve wanted to know how to maximize your cloud service providers’ capabilities. Explore templates, critical considerations and techniques to successfully tackle a cloud migration.

Using Plone’s .zexp Export/Import for DebuggingUsing Plone’s .zexp Export/Import for Debugging
May 13, 2021

Using Plone’s .zexp Export/Import for Debugging

It’s best practice to debug or develop against the same content that is in production, but what should you do if there’s a limited amount of space to work with and the full production data can’t be pulled down? You can use Zope’s export/import.

Serverless Django: Exploring the State of the Art on AWSServerless Django: Exploring the State of the Art on AWS
April 12, 2021

Serverless Django: Exploring the State of the Art on AWS

As deployment options for web apps have multiplied in the past few years, AWS Lambda continues to stand out as a powerful, simple way to run a web app with minimal maintenance and cost — if there is low traffic.

Hacking Django Channels for Fun (and Profit)Hacking Django Channels for Fun (and Profit)
March 18, 2021

Hacking Django Channels for Fun (and Profit)

LoudSwarm by Six Feet Up, a Django-based virtual event platform, has always supported Slack for instant, in-app text communication. In addition to Slack, clients were requesting Discord integration, so Six Feet Up’s expert team of developers found a solution.

Terraforming Parts Unknown: Strategies for Expanding Your Terraform RepertoireTerraforming Parts Unknown: Strategies for Expanding Your Terraform Repertoire
March 12, 2021

Terraforming Parts Unknown: Strategies for Expanding Your Terraform Repertoire

Anyone using Terraform to increase repeatability/reliability of an infrastructure has experienced the need — and urgency — to deploy resources that are entirely new.