Adding Tweets to your KARL

November 9, 2010
Table of Contents

KARL introduces the concept of “offices”, which allows users to share and view information related to a specific office. The KARL office landing page typically consists of office-specific navigation links in the left column, office-specific content in the right column, and organization-wide content in the center. Offices can also display content from corporate or other locations via RSS feeds.

Twitter Twitter has become a popular way for many organizations to share information from the organization. Since RSS Feeds are available on twitter, KARL can easily present Tweets from a twitter account.

In the KARL Demo, you can see how we used three different types of RSS Feeds from Twitter.

On the "KARL Sample" office, we have included "Tweets for #karlproject." This shows how you can add tweets to KARL on a specific term, or hashtag.

On the "Six Feet Up" office, we have included "Six Feet Up Tweets."  This shows how you can add tweets to follow a specific Twitter user, in this case Six Feet Up.

On the "Six Feet Up" office, we have also included "Sixies Tweets."  This shows how you add tweets to follow a Twitter list, in this case a Twitter list for the user SixFeetUp which follows the tweets of our employees.

Check out the KARL demo to see how bring in your organization's Tweets to your employees through office pages.

Do you use twitter on your organization's intranet pages?  What other social networking information do you think is useful to share with your employees?

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