Take a Guided Tour of Plone

October 23, 2014
Table of Contents

At PloneDemo.com, you can take an interactive tour and learn to add content, create forms, add an image slideshow, manage collections, portlets and more!

Here's a brief overview of what your tour will entail:

Add & Publish Basic Content

Adding content in Plone is quick and easy! Here, you'll be guided through adding Folders and Pages to your site, as well as setting the view on Folders (directories). A folder could display a listing of its contents or have a Page assigned to display when viewing the root level of a Folder.

There are many basic built-in content types to choose from in Plone:

Add New Menu

While working on your content, it is "private" and hidden from the public. With the click of a mouse, you can change it to "published" for everyone to see:

Change State

Create and Configure a Form

Learn how to quickly add and configure a form for your site using the PloneFormGen product. Take product orders, surveys or get newsletter signups in a matter of minutes with these simple step.

Field types such as radio buttons, text fields and more can be quickly added by selecting from the menu:

Form Field Types

Add an Event & Syndicate Content

See how to easily add calendar events to your site and enable an RSS feed for event syndication.


Event Management

Create a Slideshow

Quickly add an image slideshow to your site using the EasySlideshow add-on product and see how you can set the view of a folder to display the slideshow or how to embed one on a page using portlets. Learn how to tweak the appearance of your slideshow settings including the dimensions, transition time and type (e.g., fade, zoom, wipe, etc.), and more.

EasySlideshow can be customized for your site:

EasySlideshow Configuration

Manage Collections

See how you can group items in the site for display as a listing based on different criteria such as keywords, type, title, etc. Additionally, you will learn how easy it is to change the sort order of the items -- by date, title, author name, etc.

Plone 4 allows you to preview collection results in real time while defining your criteria:


Collection Criteria Preview

Assign & Edit Portlets

Small content boxes called "portlets" can be assigned to display throughout the site or in specific locations. Explore how easy it is to display many different types of content: calendars, event listings, navigation, images and/or static text.

See the content in the left and right columns of this blog post? That content is assigned using portlets! As a site administrator, you simply click a "Manage Portlets" button where you are taken to a control panel for editing/deleting existing portlets or assigning new ones:


Portlet Management

Relating Items

Content can be easily linked together and organized by using "Tags" and the "Related Items" features of Plone.

"Tags" enables you to assign keywords to content types so they can easily be searched for or grouped into collections.

"Related Items" enables you to link together one or more items. For example, suppose you have a News item about an upcoming Event. By adding the Event as a related item the News article will display a link to the Event.

Editing Tags and Related Content:

Related Content Management


Related Content View for the end user (note that the Tags and Related Content items are links):

Related Content View


Head on over to PloneDemo.com today to experience these features for yourself!

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