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IndyPy Meetup: David Blewett on Rust in Python

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October 10, 2017

Python Beginner Jam Session: Python REPL - What it is and why it’s awesome.
by Matt Brown

ProTalk: Rust in Python: Fixing Regular Expressions
by David Blewett, CrowdStrike
Dive into the limits of Python regular expressions including examples! Detour reminder of Regular Expressions including those features not often seen like negative lookahead. Learn from the 1970’s how deterministic finite automaton can be used to solve a subset of the regular expression performance problem.

A drop-in fix of API-compatible solution for integrating the Rust regex crate into Python. Not stopping at just a solution the guts of building a Rust program for Python is covered. First, a quick introduction to Rust the programming language. Then building the requisite Rust binaries, to installing a binary package via pip, to using CFFI to call them from Python.

Right Brain Talk: Top Ten Tips to Optimize your LinkedIn Profile
by Jack Frisby
Your LinkedIn Profile is your individual, professional website. It is your marketing message to the world... for better or for worse. In this session you will learn how to optimize your LinkedIn Profile so that you are communicating your message as effectively as possible. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.


6:00p - 7:00p Python Squad
7:00p - 7:20p Meet, Greet and Eat
7:20p - 7:30p Announcements and introductions
7:30p - 7:45p PBJ Session with Matt Brown
7:45p - 8:15p Pro Talk with David Blewett
8:15p - 8:30p Q&A
8:45p - 9:00p Right Brain Talk with Jack Frisby
9:00p - 9:30p Networking/Door Prizes with a demo of CrowdPixie with Gene O'Donnell



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