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Hotfix Now Available to Patch Zope Security Vulnerability Affecting Plone 4.x

October 4, 2011
Hotfix Now Available to Patch Zope Security Vulnerability Affecting Plone 4.x

Last week, the Zope and Plone security teams announced a software vulnerability in Zope 2.12.x and Zope 2.13.x which affects versions of Plone 4, as well as the plan to release of a software fix to address this issue, Tuesday 4th October at 1500 UTC.

Six Feet Up covered the details of the issue in a news item released last week:

The hotfix is now available for download. For full instructions on how to get and install the hotfix, go here:

Your Plone development team can perform the installation of this patch following the instructions given on the hotfix page if you are running a version of Plone or Zope which is affected. In addition, Six Feet Up is available to install and test the patch on your staging and production instances. Please email for details. Requests will be addressed and work scheduled in the order that they are received.

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