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<< All NewsPlone Featured in Infoworld's Best of Open Source Awards

Plone Featured in Infoworld's Best of Open Source Awards

October 3, 2012

Plone recently garnered some well-deserved notice as one of the Best Open Source Applications of 2012 in Infoworld's Sixth Annual "Bossies." As a followup, PC World chose to highlight Plone among the many Bossies winners as one of "Ten Open Source Apps to Try Today."

According to Infoworld, "If the likes of WordPress and Movable Type are too simple or closed-ended, consider Plone, an industrial-strength content management system built on top of the Zope application server and the Python programming language. In addition to blogging and page/asset management, Plone includes events and calendaring, user accounts and discussions, and integration with directory services. Dashboard views can be based on user-group membership, to customize internal views based on department, for instance. Plone is also up-to-date with modern Web standards (HTML5, jQuery, and so on). Additional functionality comes through a whole galaxy of extensions sold or provided by third parties."

PC World went on to say that "For content management, Plone is what InfoWorld calls an “industrial-strength” alternative to WordPress and Movable Type. Blogging, dashboard views, and calendaring are all among its standard features, while an array of extensions are available that can add even more."

We are always happy to see the press recognize the open source projects that Six Feet Up uses and contributes to as powerful and extensible options to proprietary commercial software. We are sending our congratulations to the Plone community on this great recognition of their efforts.

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