5th annual Python Web Conf are now up on LoudSwarm for re-watch.
KEYNOTE: How to Leverage Data to Combat Climate Change by: HILLARY LOVRIC @ CLIMATE VAULTKey points:
Macrodata related to carbon footprint is easier to gather than microdata Beyond buildings and employees, a company’s carbon footprint extends to its entire supply chain Chesapeake Conservancy used CNNs for mapping wetlands with a 94% accuracy Microsoft reduced their energy consumption by 20% using AI
KEYNOTE: Consulting for Introverted Developers by MATT HARRISON @ METASNAKEKey points:
Tech consultants must put themselves out there as the quality of their work is not sufficient to attract client Promote yourself on LinkedIn and social media Don’t attend conferences: speak at conferences Participate in open source projects; consider writing a book Keep in mind: 1) Maintain an abundance attitude; 2) Invest in yourself; 3) Invest in others. Be helpful and trust that goodwill will come back to you Why you should contract test your Microservices by SYED MUHAMMAD DAWOUD SHERAZ ALI @ ARBISOFTKey points:
Microservices lead to increased complexity and integration testing challenges Contract tests ensure that inter-application messages conform to a documented shared understanding. Contract consumer tests will only assert on fields it actively needs Consumer generated contract is verified against mock provider Verifies contract against provider service Do the Right thing, shift Left! by JAYESH BAPU AHIRE @ TRACEABLEAIKey points:
It's much more costly to remove vulnerabilities from your API after it is in production Security should not be an afterthought. Automation can help
Regress to Progress: A Child’s Mindset for Growth by RAIN LEANDER @ TEMPORALKey points = Use a child’s mindset:
Be Brave: Embrace Vulnerability, Admit You Have a Fear, Do It Anyway, When You Fall Down Get Back Up! Play: Go For a Walk, Learn to Juggle, Go Swimming, Drum, Dance, Play a Sport… Explore: Listen, Ask Questions, Avoid Assumptions, Embrace Learning as Fun, Develop a Beginner’s Mind
Data science and machine learning in wastewater intelligence by ALEX SMOLYAK @ KANDOKey points:
ML algorithms coupled with lower cost sensors can model water quality at a much higher granularity than is done with traditional sensors and telemetry. Kando is striving to collect public and proprietary data, deploy their lower-cost sensors more liberally across the areas of interest, train models on all of that data, and generate actionable insights.
TUTORIAL: Refactoring without a net by GIL ZILBERFELD @ TESTINGILKey points:
Refactoring is risky if you don’t have tests and/or you don’t really trust your code; When refactoring, don’t “fix” or improve anything; A good tool to create a basic safety net is ApprovalTests ; Eventually replace ApprovalTests with real tests.
How Visual AI Makes Testing Easy by ANDREW KNIGHT @ APPLITOOLSKey points:
It is difficult to spot visual differences; Visual AI creates a screen capture the first time it runs and compares it against the previous screen capture. Changes have to be manually reviewed and confirmed; Visual AI accelerates cross-platform testing.
Minimum Viable Migrations by BEN ELLERBY @ ALEIOSKey points:
MVM is a usable migrated version of an application from one paradigm to another with a subset of features MVM allows to test hypotheses early, learn faster, reduce waste, ship to customers quicker, validate assumptions, etc. You need a strategy to run 2+ systems in parallel transparently to users and an exit strategy from the old system. Consider moving low priority features last. Use event driven architectures Level Up Your Developer Experience by ROCHÉ COMPAAN @ SIX FEET UPKey points:
Use Kubernetes as a development environment You are the architect, Kubernetes is the builder. You write the manifests, Kubernetes takes care of the rest, and stays there for maintenance There is no vendor lock-in and you only need to know a few basic concepts for development Roché outlined steps for setting up a Kubernetes cluster and suggested development tools Building an IoT App with InfluxDB, Python, Flask And Plotly by ANAIS DOTIS-GEORGIOU @ INFLUXDATAKey points:
InfluxDB is a highly scalable time series database. It is moving to IOx as its underlying storage foundations allowing more SQL capabilities. Presentation ends discussing collecting environmental sensor data using an Arduino. The data is collected into InfluxDB and summarized and graphed with plotly and Flask. SOCIAL: Learn How to Create Origami Pete by: ANNETTE LEWIS @ SIX FEET UPKey points:
Get hands-on, and learn the intricate folds needed to make an origami snake.