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Six Feet Up an Official Sponsor of Penn State's Plone Symposium East

March 12, 2011
Six Feet Up an Official Sponsor of Penn State's Plone Symposium East

Six Feet Up is pleased to announce they are again an official sponsor of Plone Symposium East, a regional Plone event held in May 2011 at Pennsylvania State University. Hosted by WebLion, the event includes talks, training and sprints intended for decision makers, developers, integrators, website administrators and content owners. Six Feet Up has been actively supporting this event for years - with employees both attending and presenting talks.

A leading Plone consulting services provider, Six Feet Up has a long history of supporting open source projects. In addition to supporting the Plone Symposium East financially, the company will also send many of its employees to actively participate in the event. Six Feet Up invites any organization interested in discussing Plone projects to meet during the event.

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