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<< All NewsSix Feet Up CEO recognized as Woman Who Leads by Pledge 1%

Six Feet Up CEO recognized as Woman Who Leads by Pledge 1%

March 20, 2023

Gabrielle Hendryx-Parker, CEO and co-founder of Six Feet Up, was recently featured as one of Pledge 1%’s #WomenWhoLead series, which celebrates female leaders who are paving the way for the next generation.

“I am deeply thankful to Pledge 1% for giving me the opportunity to share my experience as a female leader in the tech industry. I hope that what I have to say inspires other women and girls who aspire to rise to a leadership role in any industry,” Hendryx-Parker said of her nomination.

Pledge 1% is a global movement in which companies donate 1% of their time, product, and/or equity to any charity of their choosing. Six Feet Up recently joined over 10,000 companies across the world by announcing its participation in the initiative.

The article features a number of questions that Hendryx-Parker answers. With International Women’s Day taking place earlier in the month, Pledge 1% posed this question to Hendryx-Parker: How can we build workplaces that are more equitable and inclusive?

“Embracing equity means leveling the playing fields and removing barriers for workers who can't do the traditional on-site 9-5 schedule. This means offering flexible hours, part-time options and the possibility to work remotely. And making it OK for anybody struggling with little kids, aging parents, a sick family member, a mental health problem, and other personal issues to talk about it openly at work,” she responded.

To read the feature and learn more about Pledge 1%, click here.

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