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Six Feet Up Helps UCLA Standardize on Plone

May 23, 2012
Six Feet Up Helps UCLA Standardize on Plone

In the fall of 2011, the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) made the strategic decision to standardize on the open source enterprise content management system Plone across the entire university system.

Recognizing Six Feet Up's leading position in the Plone market, UCLA asked the consulting company to architect the new hosting infrastructure, as well as develop and deploy the new IT Department website.

Six Feet Up recently completed the first round of work, which involved the implementation of Tiles using Deco Lite, a new technique aiming at simplifying the content management process by allowing in-context editing of specific portlets called "tiles". In addition, a custom workflow management system was developed to support the needs for the University to allow/restrict various user roles from performing certain actions in relation to site content and the tiles.

Finally, Six Feet Up assisted UCLA with the design of a hosting infrastructure that can support the on-demand provisioning of Plone sites either as microsites or full virtual machines ("VMs") for stand-alone sites.

The new Plone-based system is scheduled to roll out this summer.

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