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Six Feet Up Launches Website in Plone 4 for Columbia River PUD

April 30, 2012
Six Feet Up Launches Website in Plone 4 for Columbia River PUD

A publicly-owned Power Company, Columbia River PUD meets the needs of its customers through a variety of interactive interactive programs, such as Online Account Management, Safety Tips, Outage Center, and information on Energy Efficiency Programs, which the company manages themselves through their content-managed website.

Six Feet Up assisted Columbia River PUD with the migration of their Plone 3 website and its custom products to the latest version of Plone 4. Six Feet Up also set up PloneFormGen, a Plone product used to build simple, one-of-a-kind, web forms that save or mail form input. CMFPlacefulWorkflow, a product that allows site administrators to manage workflow policies that define content type to workflow mappings, was installed too. Overall, the migration work enabled Six Feet Up to increase site speed and efficiency, as well as update and enhance PromoEngine, a product originally developed by Six Feet Up. During the process, Six Feet Up also updated Columbia River PUD's theme, widened the site, and added a new right side column to allow for an easier and more interactive experience for website visitors.

For more details, please visit Columbia River PUD's latest website.

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