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Six Feet Up Releases EasySlideshow v2.2

February 18, 2015
Six Feet Up Releases EasySlideshow v2.2

Six Feet Up is pleased to announce the release of several updates for EasySlideshow. EasySlideshow is a Plone product that makes it easy for any content editor to create and manage online image slideshows.

The release of EasySlideshow v2.2 requires Plone 4.3 and allows users to have advanced control of the slideshow, while making it Plone 5 compatible.

Users can now display navigation as titles.

This feature lets users display custom titles as the slideshow navigation, allowing the ability to "tease" slider content and complement the message of each tab.

Retrans Easyslideshow nav example

Images can now be displayed at original size.

Allowing images to be displayed at original size instead of letting Plone resize them automatically will reduce the size of picture files and help improve site performance.

Technical changes include:

Version 2.2 also includes upgrade steps to update existing slideshow folders. Enabling and disabling of a slideshow folder is now done in the folder’s action menu.

For more technical details about EasySlideshow, visit If you have questions about this Plone product or this particular release, contact

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