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Six Feet Updates collective.recipe.plonesite

March 23, 2011
Six Feet Updates collective.recipe.plonesite

Six Feet Up recently released an updated version of collective.recipe.plonesite. This product is a set of instructions for Buildout (Plone's installation and updating system) used by developers around the world to create and update Plone sites within a Zope instance.

Version 1.4.1 re-enables use of ZEO server for Windows users. The ZEO (Zope Enterprise Objects) server is a storage server that allows multiple Zope instances, called ZEO clients, to connect to a single database and is an essential part of most enterprise installations of Plone. This release also improves Plone 2.5 support for GenericSetup, includes bug fixes and PEP8 support along with improved documentation on the product's use.

collective.recipe.plonesite was originally created by Six Feet Up Senior Developer Clayton Parker and has been actively maintained since its first release in late 2008.

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