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Six Feet Up Contributes to Enterprise Scale LDAP Support in Plone

March 15, 2016
Six Feet Up Contributes to Enterprise Scale LDAP Support in Plone

Six Feet Up works on enterprise-grade projects that often require LDAP integration with databases containing large numbers of users. LDAP allows sites to access and maintain directory information services online. For example, a large university can use LDAP to grant its students, faculty, staff, and alumni access to premium content on its corporate site. Another common example is a global company using LDAP to connect their world-wide employees to their intranet.

While Plone, the enterprise-class Python CMS, offers LDAP support for smaller scale databases, the community recognized a need for large scale support - those with over 60,000 users and thousands of groups. Six Feet Up, with five other Python development companies around the world, has announced it will back an effort to improve Plone's support for enterprise scale LDAP databases. This new feature will be available later this spring.

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