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Six Feet Up Announces EasySlideshow 2.0 for Plone

April 10, 2012
Six Feet Up Announces EasySlideshow 2.0 for Plone

EasySlideshow is a Plone product that makes it easy for any content  editor to create  and manage online image slideshows. The slideshows are great for use on  a home page or landing page instead of displaying a Flash animation  that search engines can't read very well.

EasySlideshow comes with all the  settings you need to customize your slideshows, such as:

Six Feet Up is pleased to announce the release of EasySlideshow 2.0, which boasts the following new features:

EasySlideshow now gives content managers control over the display of  the slide navigation. The navigation can be turned off, display slide  numbers or thumbnails.

Navigation with slide numbers:

Numbered Nav

Navigation using thumbnail images:

Thumb Nav

Default EasySlideshow will display images in the order in which they  are stored in the folder. This latest version offers the possibility to  display the images in the slideshow in a random order: there is now a  checkbox to randomize the slideshows site-wide, per-folder, and for  portlets.

Previous versions  of EasySlideshow would not display any content to users who have  disabled JavaScript in their browsers. This new release will display the  first image of the slideshow in the slideshow location for these users.  Additionally, if random slideshow order is enabled, the image displayed  will also be randomly selected for display.

A respectable  product should have the ability to handle uninstall gracefully. Now when  EasySlideshow is uninstalled, existing slideshow folders throughout the  site are reverted to the standard folder view, and their subtypes  removed. Additionally, any slideshow portlet assignment in the site will  be found and removed since the removal of the product would take away  the portlet and break assignments.

Previous versions  of EasySlideshow required content managers to upload images for their  slideshows at the exact size for display. Now, using,  EasySlideshow users can upload images at any size and they will be  scaled down (not cropped) to fit the slideshow.
To see some of the new features  available in EasySlideshow 2.0 in a production environment, please check  out University of Virginia Health System's ClubRed UVa. For more technical details about EasySlideshow, visit If you have questions about this Plone product or this particular release, contact

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