
DB Migration: 2 AWS Services ComparedDB Migration: 2 AWS Services Compared
October 26, 2022

DB Migration: 2 AWS Services Compared

An analysis of two approaches to partial database migration: Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) in combination with dblink; or AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS).

Daylite to SugarCRM: 5 Migration TipsDaylite to SugarCRM: 5 Migration Tips
August 1, 2012

Daylite to SugarCRM: 5 Migration Tips

Looking for a change of scenery in your Customer Relationship Management software? We just migrated and found it was easier than you think...

Transmogrifier: A Pipeline for Easing Migration into PloneTransmogrifier: A Pipeline for Easing Migration into Plone
August 30, 2011

Transmogrifier: A Pipeline for Easing Migration into Plone

Moving Content Management Systems can be daunting. Will it have all the tools you need? Will it be able to handle my needs? Learn how to migrate to Plone with Six Feet Up...