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Six Feet Up Python Developer Re-Elected Plone Foundation President

January 26, 2021
Six Feet Up Python Developer Re-Elected Plone Foundation President

Six Feet Up Python Developer Chrissy Wainwright has been re-elected as President of the Plone Foundation for a second consecutive term.

Wainwright began using the Plone content management system (CMS) over 10 years ago. In 2014, she joined the Plone Foundation Board of Directors to help behind the scenes. Wainwright remains committed to using the knowledge she's gathered working with Plone to help others with their own Plone sites.

In her professional life, Chrissy Wainwright is a Senior Python Developer at Six Feet Up. Six Feet Up has been involved in Plone development and Plone hosting since 2003, and has become a leader in the field. Aside from building and hosting Plone sites for clients, Six Feet Up has developed a number of custom Plone products, many of which are open source.

Plone Foundation Board Members for 2020-2021:

Six Feet Up’s VP of Finance Jennifer Myers also serves on the Plone Board as a non-voting member and is the Foundation’s Treasurer.


The Plone Foundation aims to maintain and promote Plone as the premier open-source content management system, as well as to broaden its acceptance and visibility.

More about the Plone Foundation and how to get involved

More about the 2020-2021 Plone Foundation Board

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