1. Our Questions

  • How many pre-made themes can I download, how easy are they to install?
  • Is theme customization though the U.I. available and easy?
  • How to build a theme from scratch?

2. The Theming Story

Calvin Hendryx-Parker

Calvin Hendryx-Parker


There are a handful of pre-made themes for Plone, but with the new Diazo based theming engine built into Plone, it fairly easy for someone who knows HTML, CSS and JS to bring in a standard HTML based theme.

Adding a new theme to Plone can be started via the web.



Doug Vann

Doug Vann


Base themes vs sub themes

As of Fall 2016, there are 124 themes on drupal.org for Drupal 8. 

Drupal 8 uses Twig for its default templating systemTwig is a template engine for the PHP programming language. Its syntax originates from Jinja and Django templates. It's an open source product licensed under a BSD License and maintained by Fabien Potencier. The initial version was created by Armin Ronacher. Symfony2 PHP framework comes with a bundled support for Twig as its default template engine.

The templating language looks very familiar to Jinja2 or Django Templates.





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