Day 3 keynotes included: "ClimateTech and the Future of the Planet" and "Software Development in Distributed Teams."
PWC2023 Day 2 featured keynote presentations: "How to Leverage Data to Combat Climate Change" and "Consulting for Introverted Developers"
IndyPy featured a demonstration of a number of AWS artificial intelligence services by David Sol, AWS Community Builder and SRE engineer at Wizeline.
IndyPy featured Python core developer Mariatta Wijaya, who discussed everything involved with contributing to the CPython repository.
IndyPy featured a discussion of Python’s use in engineering, architecture, and construction over the years.
The Six Feet Up booth was a hive of activity at DjangoCon US 2022.
Planning is well underway for Python Web Conference 2023 (#PWC2023).
IndyPy featured an explanation and demonstration of generative art by Srishti Yadav, a machine learning engineer at CubicFarms.