
June 21, 2022

OpenTelemetry featured at June 2022 IndyPy

Roni Dover discussed the importance of observability when coding and shared tools that can give developers a deeper look into the quality of their code.

May 27, 2022

Six Feet Up at PyCon 2022: Bootstrapping Computers

Six Feet Up CTO, Calvin Hendryx-Parker, gave his talk “Bootstrapping your Local Python Environment” at PyCon 2022.

May 19, 2022

IndyPy Turns 15: Hybrid Event Celebrates Milestone

Six Feet Up CTO, Calvin Hendryx-Parker, and Talk Python to Me podcast host, Michael Kennedy, discuss the future of meetups at 15th anniversary celebration.

April 26, 2022

AWS Well-Architected Featured at IndyAWS

Dave Crumbacher, Solutions Architect for Amazon Web Services, demonstrates how Well-Architected can improve the design of cloud frameworks at the April 2022 edition of IndyAWS.

April 14, 2022

FLASH App Featured at April 2022 IndyPy

Calvin Hendryx-Parker, Six Feet Up’s CTO and AWS Community Hero, discusses a recent Six Feet Up project with FLASH to create an application that predicts lightning strikes.

March 25, 2022

Day 5: PWC 2022 Ends with Call to Serve Humanity

The final day of the Python Web Conference featured powerful keynotes about the importance of communication and serving humanity, along with a host of Python tools and best practices.

March 24, 2022

PWC2022 Day 4: Python's Future and Origami

Day 4 of the 2022 Python Web Conference featured insightful keynotes about the future of Python and tactics for combating climate change. The day concluded with an origami social.

March 23, 2022

PWC2022 Day 3 Recap: Dev Growth Skills and More

Day 3 of the 2022 Python Web Conference featured recommended workplace skills, AI-powered search, Plone migrations, serverless apps and more.

March 22, 2022

Day 2: Dance Like No One's Watching at #PWC2022

Day 2 of the 2022 Python Web Conference featured a fascinating opening keynote on machine learning, as well as a closing keynote about one tech worker's recovery from burnout.